So happy the weekend is here, its funny how a break can go by so fast yet as soon as school gets back in, its like time stands still.
Im pretty sure everyone I know right now is in a little bit of Olympic withdrawal, I miss it a little too. I still wish I could have gone to some events, but for the most part it was too expensive for the events I wanted, (aka hockey up to like $25000 - yeah seriously.) But it was honestly still such a great experience and I will always remember it, the atmosphere and the excitement was really something I cant explain unless you were here to experience it yourself, definitely a once in a lifetime kind of thing. Not to mention last Sundays mens gold hockey game was the most pumped and exciting day that I have ever seen, amazing!
In all the excitement I really didnt take that many photos, but I thought Id share a few of the photos I did capture.

^ Athletes Olympic Village

^Molson Canadian Hockey house, aka major party every night, I didnt go though, tickets were too pricey for me ;)
^Part of the houses and pavillions at night, pretty much any night time photo I took turned out blurry, this was about the best I had

^A few people wanting to get a look at the imprisoned torch/cauldron

^Just a few more people
^Random people who waited in a 3+ hour line-up to zipline over the city square packed with people, definitely looked liked fun but I didnt want to wait in line.

The weather was so abnormally warm and gorgeous for a good portion of the time they were on too, which was great. Im kind of loving this really warm winter =)
Right now Im working on my list of must have spring items I want.. so far its pretty long as it usually is.. I'll share it with you when Im done. Whats on your must have list so far this spring?