Saturday, July 14, 2012


So clearly I am lacking in motivation to blog. Things have just been kind of crazy the past few months, after finishing up the semester I seemed to have non-stop illnesses, and I am honestly starting to feel like a broken record being sick all the time, but it has really sucked the life and motivation out of me. My focus has just been on getting healthy, hopefully after many pokes of blood and diet alterations I will be feeling better than ever.

Anyways I did have to share to any lingering readers out there the perfect tees. I thought before the new collection of tees at the gap were the ones inspired by Alexander Wangs line, but when I went into the downtown location and saw the 'Gap Pure' collection I realized that had to be the line inspired by Wang. They are kind of really awesome and perfect, super soft material with the right amount of slouch. They didnt have my size in store so I ordered the black and grey from online.. I think though I will eventually need the white as well.